SWWIM sustains and celebrates women poets by connecting creatives across generations and by curating a living archive of contemporary poetry, while solidifying Miami as a nexus for the literary arts.

Apology to My Ovaries

They plucked you out before you could kill me.
I had to make a clean sweep. Forgive me,

conductor of my train to the future—
my artist daughter of long fingers

and kindness, my son with his kilowatt wit
and quiver of dreams. You were my gardener,

my stockpot, my pantry, your shelves
filled with my lifetime supply.

My arbor, predesigned, assigned at birth.
My divine egg timer, my clock that never

needed winding. You were my pinkish-gray,
almond-shaped, and my God, you were brave,

wore menstruation like a brightly flowered dress.
And the bloody labor of your fields.

Your timely hatchery, your drop-down
deliveries, your tubes swaying like anemones.

I, too, thought we could wither together
into gentle senescence. Forgive me

for evicting you in your dotage, not even
a hearing, your desk cleared in an hour,

everything you’d ever carried weighing
just over two ounces. Forgive me,

you who were my wheelhouse, my work
horse, my backfill, my unpaid laborer.

You, who toiled decades deep in the mine of me.

Wendy Drexler is a 2022 recipient of an artist fellowship from the Massachusetts Cultural Council. Her poems have appeared in Barrow Street, J Journal, Lily Poetry Review, Nimrod, Pangyrus, Prairie Schooner, Salamander, South Florida Poetry Review, Sugar House, The Atlanta Review, The Mid-American Review, The Hudson Review, The Threepenny Review, and the Valparaiso Poetry Review, among others. She's been the poet-in-residence at New Mission High School in Hyde Park, MA, since 2018, and the programming co-chair for the New England Poetry Club. Her fourth collection, Notes from the Column of Memory, will be published this September by Terrapin Books.


My Body Fleeting